Homburg Institute
Program: Real Estate Development, and Project and Construction Management
2021 | Instructor-Led Program |


Global Real Estate Investment

Course ID: REFN0102

Category: Business

This course introduces participants to the fundamentals of global real estate investments. It will cover the strategies and the tools to analyze and value cross-border real estate investments in developed and emerging markets.

self-taught course
Duration: 10 Hours




Course Summary

This course introduces participants to the fundamentals of global real estate investments. It will cover the strategies and the tools to analyze and value cross-border real estate investments in developed and emerging markets. The course will help the learner to know and apply globalization of economies, international capital flow, the effects of currency exchange on transactions, the basic principles and trends in international investment, cross-cultural relationships, diversity and inclusive real estate practices, marketing and business planning strategies as well as the roles and expectations in international transactions.

Course Rationale

International real estate requires a deep understanding of how investment strategies play out in different markets. With the Global Real Estate Investment course, the participant will learn the fundamentals of globalized economies, identify the factors that impact real estate transactions and distinguish the issues that affect global investments and capital flow. Identify the key concepts and strategies necessary to do business, profitably, in the highly competitive global marketplace. This course will permit the participant to expand their application of other courses into the international business environment.

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About the instructor
Margot Weinstein

Dr. Margot Weinstein


Dr. Margot Weinstein is a renowned international business woman, consultant, speaker and educator with over 30 years experience. She is CEO of MW Leadership Consultants LLC and Broker Associate, Metropolitan ...

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Lecture 1 - Globalization and economies

What are the main features of globalization, and how does it impact the markets, and businesses, in different countries? What are some of the differences between real estate markets in different countries? Follow along as Dr Weinstein sketches out the issues in this introductory session that establishes important concepts on which the next lectures build.

Lecture 2 - International capital flow

The increased volume and speed of capital flows across borders is one of the main drivers of globalization. What are the causes, and more importantly, the effects on international real estate?

Lecture 3 - Effects of currency exchange on transactions

In this session Dr Weinstein explores some of the macro-economic factors that international investors face in making business decisions, including monetary policies, fiscal policies, exchange rate policies, and interest rate policies.

Lecture 4 - Basic principles and trends in international investments

This presentation delves into the ways in which various legal, regulatory, and customary practices can impact international commercial transactions. Using the United States federal commercial regulations as examples, Dr Weinstein demonstrates how a myriad of factors - from tax laws, to environmental regulations, to reporting requirements - can influence, promote, and sometimes prevent international real estate transactions.

Lecture 5 - Evaluation of Global Real Estate Investment

International transactions are more prone to risk, because foreigners usually do not have as thorough an understanding of the markets, policies, and ways of doing business in other countries as they do of their own country. In this session, Dr Weinstein outlines the numerous things that need to be understood when making an investment decision.

Lecture 6 - Specialization and Networking Resources

The world is a large and varied place. This session explores how specialization assists in gaining market knowledge to overcome risks of the unknown. Specialization can be based on Geography (a continent, region, or countries), markets, or sectors. This session examines the pros and cons of each.

Lecture 7 - Cross-cultural relationships

The key to business is relationships, and fostering relationships across borders requires sensitivity and cultural awareness. This includes a range of factors, including how people communicate, how they relate to authority, and even how they understand and act on notions like 'time'. In this session, Dr Weinstein provides examples by examining differences between North America and Asia.

Lecture 8 - Marketing and business planning strategies

In this session, Dr Weinstein examines the importance of creating a reliable market profile, which summarizes economic conditions, demographic profiles, financial aspects of the national and international market, and trends and forecasts for the investment.

Lecture 9 - Networking Skills and Building a Team of Professionals

Networking across borders has become easier with the advent of social media, but good sense must prevail when selecting business partners. This session covers effective strategies to develop a network in an international market.

Lecture 10 - Succeeding with New Opportunities, Challenges and Trends

In this final session, Dr Weinstein provides some helpful tips, and discusses important resources, like the Jones Lang Lasalle transparency index, and the UN International Property Markets Scorecard

This course includes
  • 10 hours on-demand lectures
  • 365 day access
  • Mobile access
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